Business Stories

Want to know what it’s like to do business in Dublin? Browse all stories or categories and highlights below.



Diversity and unity at George’s Street Arcade

The business owners in George’s Street Arcade are a diverse bunch, coming from the likes of Nepal, Poland, France and Venezuela. We meet some of them to learn about what brought them to one of Dublin’s best markets. How business is done at George’s Street Arcade The much-loved George’s Street Arcade is more than just a quick way to get to Drury Street. It is a living breathing illustration of integration from all over the world, under one uniquely Dublin roof. As approached the green gates, it noticed an impeccably dressed lady with a blossom i


Profit with Purpose: Three Dublin Social Enterprises

The importance of sustainable and social enterprises Making your startup or existing business sustainable or ethical is a smart, future-proof option. Customers are now much more informed and aware of the environmental impact of their purchases. A more sustainable product or service will create a positive brand image that will impact the bottom line of many businesses.


The Level Project

Enhancing the gender balance of senior teams helps build strong leadership, attract talent and improve performance. There is still a significant gender imbalance in the leadership of Irish companies, where only 13% of CEOs and less than one in three senior managers are women. It’s a challenge across the private sector in Ireland and internationally, more pronounced in specific industry sectors, like engineering and ICT and is reflected in the gender composition of third-level graduates in STEM subjects. While this highlights the need for change, it also offers a real opportunity to broaden the talent pool for knowledge-based industries with a high demand for skills


Dublin’s AI Landscape

As the founder of AI Ireland and the AI Awards, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing first-hand how technology serves as an enabler for problem-solving across various business sectors and societal issues. Far from the job-taking or sci-fi doom Terminator, it’s often portrayed as AI is a technology capable of human-like thinking and decision-making. It learns from data and evolves, thereby aiding in the resolution of intricate challenges and the automation of tasks. In November 2022, Generative AI like ChatGPT captured headlines, opening new possibilities for internet users’ everyday activities. When it comes to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME


The Enterprising Liberties

The Liberties is one of Dublin's most characterful and historic districts. It owes its name to the fact that it was originally outside the jurisdiction of the city. So it was free to follow its own rules. In many ways, it's still doing that today.

Funding & Supports


Women in Business: Each One Different, but #StrongerTogether

Women in business come from a diverse array of backgrounds, personalities and approaches. Women in Business Networks provide a forum for these entrepreneurs to come together and learn from each other. We checked in with the Dublin City Local Enterprise Office (DCLEO) Women in Business Network and met some inspirational members. Kate O’Moore – MAKER Creative Kate O’Moore’s dive into entrepreneurship came in 2016 when she established her graphic design practice MAKER Creative. She previously worked in advertising.

UCD logo.


NovaUCD: Cool Ideas, Hot Tech

It’s an economic truth, universally acknowledged, that innovation is at the core of most successful businesses. Being innovative, however, is easier said than done. That’s why incubation centres are so necessary. Ireland proudly boasts nine university incubation centres, six university bio incubation centres and 15 Institute of Technology incubation centres. And they all contribute to making Dublin one of the world’s most exciting locations for both research and development – and in which to

How Dublin Works: DCU Alpha - Dublin City University's hi-tech innovation hub.


How Dublin Works: DCU Alpha

If you’re not entirely sure what the Internet of Things (IoT) is, or if you haven’t even heard of it yet, that’s alright. Essentially, the IoT is a connection of devices to the internet, whether that’s your washing machine or your house alarm and everything will be ‘talking’ to the other. On a micro level, that might mean that your alarm clock will tell your coffee machine that it’s time to start brewing a pot when you get up; on a macro level the possibilities are infinite, including making cities smarter.