Rediscovery Centre, Saturday 22nd March
Got something in need of repair? Bring your broken bikes, furniture or textiles on Saturday 22nd March and learn to fix them with our experts!
Do you have something at home that you have been meaning to fix? Join us at the Rediscovery Centre on Saturday 22nd March where you can bring along your broken item and work together with our experts to help you repair it. There will be experts in textiles, furniture and bicycles.
Places on the day are on a first come and first served basis. While we can’t upcycle or take on big projects on the day we are happy for you to use your timeslot to get advice on how to complete your project at home.
This event is kindly supported by Dublin City Council.
- Date:
- Saturday 22nd March
- Time:
- 10.00am
- Price:
- Free
- Address:
- The Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun, Dublin, Ireland