AWARE Paddy’s Day Walk

This event has ended

Online, Wednesday 17th March

An opportunity to be part of something on St Patrick's Day

This St Patrick’s Day is going to look a little different. At a time when we need to stay apart, it is important that we still feel connected to one another. This March, we are asking you to join our march with people all over Ireland and come together ‘virtually’, for the Aware Paddy's Day Walk in support of Aware's mental health services.

We all know fresh air, nature and movement offer a host of benefits for your mental wellbeing. So we're encouraging you to get out and about, with your household or bubble, and do something good for you, and for others!

All participants will receive a set of green shoelaces so you can ‘lace up’ for the Aware Paddy’s Day Walk and show your support for mental health. If you want your laces by St Patrick's Day, register by 6pm on Sunday 14th March. Anyone who registers after that date will still get their laces, they will just arrive after the day.

This is a virtual event, so you can take part in your locality. You can choose the distance and the route, start from your front door, do laps of your garden, it's your call.

Whether you go with your household or bubble, or on your own, or with your dog, we would love to see your photos. Don't forget to spread the word and encourage your family and friends to get involved and use #awarepaddysdaywalk on social media.

You can make a real difference in the lives of others

Wednesday 17th March

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