14 Henrietta Street Teatime talks: Uncovering traces of Dublin’s past through old and fading signs

This event has ended

Online, Wednesday 7th April

‘Uncovering traces of Dublin’s past through old and fading signs’ with Emma Clarke of Dublin Ghost Signs

Have you ever walked down a street in Dublin and noticed that a shop had disappeared seemingly overnight and another one opened up in its place?

This free online talk will unravel some of the stories of Dublin's past and present by looking up at its old signs, looking down at its forgotten doorway thresholds and exploring some of its secret corners. This visual exploration of Dublin’s old signs will look past modern-day signs and shopfronts to peel back the layers of history on our streets.

Emma Clarke runs the project ‘Dublin Ghost Signs’. She has been documenting old signs & tracking Dublin’s changing streetscapes for almost as long as she has been living in Dublin.

The Talk will take place online using Zoom, a free online meeting platform. You will need an internet connection and a compatible device (e.g. computer, laptop, iPad, tablet, phone) to access Zoom.

Please note, the zoom link to the Talk is contained within your reminder email which is sent 24 hours prior to the event.

If you have any queries about the talk or accessing Zoom, please don’t hesitate to contact us by calling +353 1 524 0391 and our facilitator will be able to assist you.

Teatime Talks is a series of talks inspired by the history and people of 14 Henrietta Street.

Wednesday 7th April

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