
Portal Art Installation

On May 8th 2024 in a special event spanning two continents, officials in Dublin and New York City simultaneously debuted two groundbreaking public technology sculptures—Dublin Portal and NYC Portal —collectively called “The Portal.” The Portal forms an unprecedented visual bridge between these two iconic cities. Each sculpture features a visual livestream from the Portal in the other city, allowing real-time interaction between Dubliners, New Yorkers, and visitors to these two global destinations. The stream will have specific hours of operation for now, with the livestream running daily from 6am to 4pm in New York City and 11am to 9pm in Dublin.


Always Brighter Stories: Bull Island Action Group

Bull Island Action Group are a collective of volunteers who organise monthly beach clean-ups on Dollymount strand. For over 20 years, the group has been meeting on the third Saturday of every month year-round, no matter the weather.


Always Brighter Stories: Little Fitness

Social entrepreneur Sinéad Ryan founded Little Fitness to provide physical activity to children and families living in emergency accommodation, family hubs and where children may come up against barriers within their community.


Always Brighter Stories: St John Ambulance Volunteers

Mick Cardiff has volunteered with St John Ambulance Ballyfermot for a remarkable 48 years, ever since the branch was established. He has been the division officer in the area for many years and had a decades-long career as a paramedic with the National Ambulance Service.


Always Brighter Stories: James Casserly

James Casserly is a disability activist from Lucan, County Dublin. He runs ‘Jimbo’s Accessible Adventures’ on social media and his blog, advocating for better accessibility across Ireland.


Always Brighter Stories: Sanctuary Runners

A solidarity-through-sport initiative which uses running, jogging and walking to bring together asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and Irish residents across the country, promoting social inclusion and integration.


Always Brighter Stories: Charlie Bird

Charlie Bird is a renowned journalist and broadcaster. In 2021, he was diagnosed with motor neurone disease, and ever since has been campaigning to raise awareness for the condition, and funds for the charities who support sufferers and their families. Charlie continues to extend the hand of friendship to as many people as possible across the country as he lives with his terminal illness.


The Christmas Gift Guide

Looking for unique, locally made, sustainably sourced Christmas gifts? We’ve partnered with the Dublin City Local Enterprise Office (LEO) to bring you a gift guide full of great ideas!


Dublin Treasures – BoI & House of Lords, College Green

Repurposing? Dublin is full of it these days. Old distilleries become luxury apartments, a former telephone exchange transforms into a supermarket, and an ex-railway station becomes a bar. Check out Bank of Ireland on College Green for an earlier and perhaps more noble example of repurposing in the city. Standing on the traffic island on College Green and looking up, it’s difficult not to be impressed. Surely this is t

Merrion Square Open-Air Art Gallery


Dublin Treasures – Merrion Open-Air Art Gallery

‘Would you like to take my card?’ On a sunny Sunday morning in early spring, we’ve accepted business cards from 16 artists having browsed their works on the railings of Merrion Square Park. A card is not just a card here – it’s a magic ticket for these artists, and many of their lives have been changed by the people who accept them. Merrion Square’s outdoor art market is a real Dublin institution. It was first formally regulated by Dublin City Council in 1985, but as some of its veterans tell us, they were tying paintings to the railings long before that. It takes place every Sunday from 10am to 6pm on three sides of the park, as dozens of


Brigit: Dublin City Celebrating Women

Brigit: Dublin City Celebrating Women has now concluded with over 55 events having run across Thursday to Monday. Thanks to all participants and we’re looking forward to being back for more in 2025. Keep up with the latest from Brigit: Dublin City Celebrating Women. Sign up to the newsletter today!