Dublin City Council is responsible for Dublin’s place brand, the marketing brand used to attract people to live, work, invest or study in the region. At present, Dublin has two marketing brands with the other being Fáilte Ireland’s destination brand (‘Surprising by nature’). Place brands are used by cities across the globe to attract inward investment, talent and students.

Dublin is a world class, compact city which makes things happen but still retains an authentic sense of community. The brand and the website will showcase the city and region whilst not shying from the grit, humour and depth of culture that make our place unique.

Working together

A core part of our work is gathering stakeholder organisations together to consolidate effort in marketing Dublin to a wide variety of people. We’ve hired a dedicated role to ensure we work closely with state and local government, large industry players, universities and cultural institutions.

The brand mark and guidelines

Dublin’s place brand mark represents the fusion of ideas, creativity and people that make up Dublin as a place. The Dublin brand does not represent a rigid experience, but a place that is constantly changing with the times. With this in mind, the brand identity has been designed to be open and flexible, giving the us the freedom
to experiment and play. We encourage stakeholders to use the brand and have developed guidelines that you can download. If you’ve any specific queries, please contact us.