Christmas at the Mansion House & Garden

This event has ended

Mansion House, Saturday 3rd December - Saturday 24th December

The forecourt of the Mansion House & the Garden will be transformed into a spectacle of illuminations and will herald in Christmas and create a magical atmosphere to visit the traditional Crib. For the first time, the Christmas experience has been extended to include the Garden and the Oak Room.

In keeping with the Lord Mayor’s themes, the illuminated arches welcoming you to the Mansion House & Garden, the canopy of lights, the reindeer and the Wishing Tree are operated by Low Wattage light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

This year all the squirrels, nutcracker statues and decorative tree props were custom-made by artists in ReCreate, using only reuse materials.

There is plenty to get you into the spirit of Christmas at the Mansion House this year including:
The Wishing Tree: Set in the Mansion House Garden, this tree will be adorned with the wishes and dreams of the Christmas Mansion House visitor.
A Traditional Crib: Built by two Dublin City Council apprentice female carpenters the traditional crib.
Pot Grown Christmas Trees: To incorporate the theme of Biodiversity, grown in pots, these young trees will survive the Christmas period to be collected, returned to the Wicklow Mountains
and planted for another year. These Christmas Trees are powered by solar charged batteries.
Oakroom ReCreate Workshops: New for 2022, taking place on Saturday 3rd of December, these workshops will inspire tomorrow’s inventors, designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs.      Participants will learn how to funk up their wear into Christmas jumpers or create a fabulous Christmas Table centrepiece. We have reached out to local community groups to offer opportunities to young people, who traditionally might not have come into the city, to take part in the workshops.
Pedal Power Workshop: Visitors can get on a bike and create E-leg-tricity and light up a Christmas Tree through pedal energy. Their peak pedal power is converted into energy that powers the fairy lights on the Christmas Tree. Have fun, keep fit and earn about sustainable energy.

Entertainment will also be provided from 3rd December up to Christmas by a variety of community and school choirs from throughout Dublin, musicians and performers and Christmas character animations.

Saturday 3rd December - Saturday 24th December
Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

Google Map of Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

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