If you want to study in Dublin, you need to figure out which institution of higher education you’d like to attend. You may also need to navigate the likes of student visas and tuition fees. After this, it’s time to suss out whether or not student life in Dublin is right for you. Luckily, it’s a big part of the city’s appeal for many international students.

You should be aware that the cost of living for students can be quite high in Dublin. This is largely due to the high cost of student accommodation. However, living in Dublin as a student offers a lot of advantages too.

The city is home to tons of wonderful museums and galleries – many of which are free to visit. Then there’s a vibrant nightlife, which student hotspots, nights and events contribute to hugely. Some colleges and universities even have their own bars, as well as cafés, restaurants and canteens.

Dublin’s larger institutions are also home to a wide variety of sports teams and clubs where students can get together with other people who share their interests. Some even have societies run by and for students from various countries. For example, TCD has a Chinese Society.

Below, you’ll find more articles about what you can expect from student life in Dublin.


Finding student housing in Dublin

Dublin is a popular city to live, work and study – and its popularity is growing. This means that finding comfortable, affordable student accommodation can be challenging. Things are improving, however. New laws to control rent and encourage more building are coming into effect; with a bit of planning and persistence, you can find a great place to live at a price you can afford.

man pays fare on dublin bus getting to college at night


Getting to college

Dublin is a compact and highly walkable city which is also well served by public transport. A number of the city’s colleges and universities are located right in the heart of the city centre, including Trinity College, NCAD and the Royal College of Surgeons. Others, like UCD, DCU and TU Dublin are situated in nearby suburbs. If you plan to


Cost of living for students

There’s no way around it, Dublin is expensive. But with a bit of savvy budgeting, it is affordable. Here’s an overview of what it might cost you to live here.


Arrival guide for international students

Your first days in a new city can shape your overall experience. With that in mind, here’s a short checklist of things to do shortly after you arrive. Ticking them off will help you have a fun and hassle-free time in your new city.