This event has ended

NCAD, Thursday 9th January

NCAD Portfolio Workshops and Clinics – Are you preparing your portfolio for an application to NCAD in February 2020? Their portfolio workshops and clinics will take the mystery out of portfolio preparation!

Product & Interaction Design
For applicants interested in applying for either Product Design or Interaction Design. Bring along your portfolio plans, ideas, and work to-date. Spend a day with staff from Product and Interaction Design, working in the studio to get your portfolio completed.

Time: Registration: 9.15am, Workshop: 9.45am to 3.30pm.

Communication Design
For applicants interested in Graphic Design, Moving Image Design or Illustration. Spend time with staff from the Communication Design Department, learn more about studying at NCAD and what we are looking for in a portfolio.

Time: Session 1 – 10am, Session 2 – 11am, Session 3 – 12pm.

Design for Body & Environment
For applicants interested in studying Jewellery & Objects, Textile & Surface Design or Fashion Design. Spend time with staff in the department learning more about studying at NCAD and what we are looking for in a portfolio.

Time: Session 1 – 10am.

Fine Art
For applicants interested in Fine Art. Bring along your Portfolio work to-date, spend time with staff from the School of Fine Art, learn more about studying at NCAD and what we are looking for in a portfolio. We will give you feedback on your portfolio work to-date and give you all the guidance, advice and encouragement we can to help you get it finished and ready for submission.

Time: Session 1 – 10am and Session 2 – 11.30am.

It is only possible to attend one session. If you do book more than one session, you will be randomly assigned one, and the rest of your order will be resubmitted for selection by others.

Thursday 9th January
Free - Registration required
100 Thomas St, Merchants Quay, Dublin, Ireland

Google Map of 100 Thomas St, Merchants Quay, Dublin, Ireland


What's on

Bealtaine Festival

Various Locations

Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival which celebrates the arts and creativity as we age. The festival is run by Age & Opportunity, the leading national development organisation working to enable the best possible quality of life for us all as we age. This year Age & Opportunity unveils an all-new festival theme, ‘Lust for Life’, which reflects a familiar experience for many older people. To celebrate the theme Bealtaine Festival has commissioned a new essay, ‘Lust of Life’, by writer, former Labour TD and Bealtaine Festival ambassador, Liz McManus, which explores the n

What's on

Evening Lecture: The Life and Work of Edouard Vuillard with Christopher Riopelle

Hugh Lane Gallery

A focus on the life and work of Edouard Vuillard with Christopher Riopelle – the Neil Westreich Curator of Post 1800 Paintings, National Gallery London.

What's on

Senior Squad Mondays

Croke Park

As we head towards ‘Bealtaine’ the month of celebrating arts and culture as we age , why not visit the fascinating GAA Museum with a behind the scenes look at the iconic stadium, or experience an all time high on the Kellogg’s Skyline Tour! The GAA Museum at Croke Park is inviting senior citizens and active retirement groups to embark on an exciting journey behind the scenes of Ireland’s most iconic stadium with an enticing special offer. ‘Senior Squad Mondays’ means that anyone aged over 65 who goes on a tour or on a group excursion will get an exclusive discounted rate every M